Friday, April 12, 2013

Increase Sexual Virility With Healing Foods and Chinese Herbs

Increase Sexual Virility With Healing Foods and Chinese Herbs


In the Chinese medicine system, healing foods are often integrated into the daily diet to help improve virility naturally.

Increase Sexual Virility With Healing Foods and Chinese Herbs

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Video Clips. Duration : 8.58 Mins.

The Computer Raspberry Pi Unboxing, SD Card Setup & 1st Boot

This is a computer unboxing & 1st boot. I'm happy to answer all questions. Follow Expand to see FAQ. FAQ: Spec's: Broadcom S...

The Computer Raspberry Pi Unboxing, SD Card Setup & 1st Boot

The Computer Raspberry Pi Unboxing, SD Card Setup & 1st Boot

The Computer Raspberry Pi Unboxing, SD Card Setup & 1st Boot

The Computer Raspberry Pi Unboxing, SD Card Setup & 1st Boot

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This is a computer unboxing & 1st boot. I'm happy to answer all questions. Follow Expand to see FAQ. FAQ: Spec's: Broadcom S...


Certain foods help to nourish the energy of the kidneys, associated with with our sexual energy and our reproductive organs. Thus, when we nourish the kidneys, we improve and support a healthy sex life.

Raspberry Pi

Increase Sexual Virility With Healing Foods and Chinese Herbs

These foods help to boost the energy of the kidney:

Increase Sexual Virility With Healing Foods and Chinese Herbs

Strawberry, walnuts, deep root vegetables such as yam, oysters, kidney beans, chestnut, clam, cod, hiziki seaweed, and pumpkin. It is also important to nourish the yin (which includes blood, bodily fluids, and hormones).

Building our blood and hormones (known as yin in the Chinese medicine system) also plays a role in helping us to achieve healthy states of sexual arousal.

These foods nourish yin:

Asparagus, cantaloupe, duck, egg, octopus, oyster, water chestnut, turnip, and raspberry.

Foods that stimulate and invigorate the qi (energy) also contribute to expressing passion and sensuous love:

Almonds, cardamom, shitake mushroom, orange, tangerine, and white beans.

Often times people will take Chinese herbs to nourish the sexual energy of the kidneys. However, taking herbs such as ginseng, astragalas, and dang gui in isolation is not recommended and can lead to imbalances with other internal organs.

Instead, a combination of herbs in formula form can help increase sexuality while also promoting overall health.

My teacher and mentor, master herbalist John Fung, recommends the following herbs combined in a formula to strengthen the kidneys, blood, qi (energy), and yang (the fire aspects of our energy that move energy) to improve virility.

1) Kidneys
Xu Duan
Du Zhong
Qian Shi
Rou Cong Rong

2) Blood
Chuan Xiong
Dang Gui
Shu Di Huang

3) The Qi
Huang Qi
Du Huo
Gou Ji

4) The Yang
Suo Yang
Xian Ling Pi
Ba Ji Tian

As John Fung states, "Chinese herbs cannot deliver the mechanical performance of Viagra and the likes. Furthermore, they don't give you the expected effect when you take them a few hours beforehand. Being a product of nature, they help you build up the potency at the rate your body can handle (not what your mind wants). "

By incorporating nourishing foods and balanced herb formulas, you can improve your sex life and create a level of intimate vibrancy that comes from internal balance and harmony.

Increase Sexual Virility With Healing Foods and Chinese Herbs

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How to Become Thin Fast

How to Become Thin Fast


You ARE beautiful!

How to Become Thin Fast

Raspberry Pi

The Computer Raspberry Pi Unboxing, SD Card Setup & 1st Boot

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 8.58 Mins.

The Computer Raspberry Pi Unboxing, SD Card Setup & 1st Boot

This is a computer unboxing & 1st boot. Want to LEARN LINUX? Be the FIRST to write on my timeline: FAQ: Spec's: Broadcom SoC ARM11 (ARM v6) 700MHz with a game console caliber GPU Yes, it runs Minecraft. No, there's no WiFi but you can get a dongle. No, it does not run Windows. You can order them from element 14 or RS Components. Correct, there's no case but there are plenty of options. No, it's not as powerful as your PC but that's not the point.

The Computer Raspberry Pi Unboxing, SD Card Setup & 1st Boot

The Computer Raspberry Pi Unboxing, SD Card Setup & 1st Boot

The Computer Raspberry Pi Unboxing, SD Card Setup & 1st Boot

The Computer Raspberry Pi Unboxing, SD Card Setup & 1st Boot

No URL The Computer Raspberry Pi Unboxing, SD Card Setup & 1st Boot

This is a computer unboxing & 1st boot. Want to LEARN LINUX? Be the FIRST to write on my timeline: FAQ: Spec's: Broadcom SoC ARM11 (ARM v6) 700MHz with a game console caliber GPU Yes, it runs Minecraft. No, there's no WiFi but you can get a dongle. No, it does not run Windows. You can order them from element 14 or RS Components. Correct, there's no case but there are plenty of options. No, it's not as powerful as your PC but that's not the point.


You need to know this first.

Raspberry Pi

How to Become Thin Fast

I know you want to know how to become thin fast, and I will tell you, but I know that this thinking isn't far from wanting to be anorexic or bulemic.

How to Become Thin Fast

I know that you may be thinking you don't look pretty or gorgeous or that no one loves you.

But you are...And I love you!

If you are just looking to get into those "skinny jeans", then great, but if you hate yourself and think that becoming thin is a way out, you're totally wrong.

I have seen too many young, beautiful women wreck themselves because they thought they weren't thin enough, or they didn't think highly of themselves.

3 Ways To NOT Become Thin Fast

1. Eating and throwing up your food.
2. Starving yourself.
3. Taking lots of weight loss pills.

These 3 ways above are NOT the answer to becoming thin. If you do these things above, they will negatively affect your health and your beauty, and in many cases you may not be able to recover.

Those bad ways of becoming thin will put you in the hospital, where no one will see how skinny you are anyway.

Some conditions that you could suffer from are osteoporosis (bones break easily), inability to have children, stomach rupture, heart failure, extreme muscle loss (difficulty walking), kidney failure, and that's just the beginning.

4 Ways To Become Thin Fast

1. Eat a healthy diet: A diet high in fibrous veggies and fruits, some lean protein (even yogurt and milk) and a few good carbs for energy. Stay away from high calorie, non-nutritous foods like candies, alcohol, and white flour.

2. Get physically active: The more active you become, the more fat you will burn off and the thinner you will be. Also, you want to maintain lean muscle because it will help you burn more calories just living.

3. Stay hydrated: Drink enough water to support your body and activities. Also, add in a glass of juice or milk.

4. Eat organically: These foods have more nutrients and you will find that you have to eat less to still feel full. You will also be more healthy and look more radiant (that'll be glowing and beautiful).

If you follow these simple rules, you will become thin fast and you will stay healthy doing so. You will feel confident about yourself and your self esteem will soar.

How to Become Thin Fast

Sunday, January 13, 2013